Friday, August 8, 2008

Old Boy

Oh-Dae-Su (pictured) one day discovers himself being held captive in a small, slightly furnished room. He has a TV, a bed, a shower, but has no idea why he is being held, or for how long he is fated to reside there. Fifteen years pass before he is released. Why? Once again, he doesn't know. We eventually find out.

This is a South Korean revenge flick; it won some awards in 2004, and was highly acclaimed by Quentin Tarantino (you will see why). Disturbed minds will love this movie. It has one of the most shocking endings I have seen in a movie for a long time, maybe ever. Cool music, cool cinematography. Do yourself a favor and move this movie to the top of your Netflix queue. Be prepared: it's overdubbed in English, no pesky subtitles.

And don't watch with family.


Levi said...

great flick... I'd say it's very original and all that stuff but I don't watch enough movies to know if that is true. There certainly were some surprises... and damn, that whole hammer in the mouth thing... not sweet.

Jeremiah Tyler said...

Yeah there was enough incestual themes in this movie to rival Japans messed up movies. Go Korea!