Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Michael Moore's Slacker Uprising

Michael Moore's new movie has been released today. It has been made available to watch or download for free, the first full-length feature film of the kind, on www.slackeruprising.com. Here's the statement by Mr. Moore:

"I'm giving you my blanket permission to not only download it, but also to email it, burn it, and share it with anyone and everyone (in the U.S. and Canada only). I want you to use 'Slacker Uprising' in any way you see fit to help with the election or to do the work that you do in your community. You can show my film in your local theater, your high school classroom, your college auditorium, your church, union hall or community center. You can have your friends and neighbors over to the house for a viewing. You can broadcast it on TV, on cable access, on regular channels or on the web. It's completely free -- I don't want to see a dime from this. And if you want, you can charge admission or ask for a donation if it's to raise money for a candidate, a voter drive, or for any non-profit or educational purpose. In other words -- it's yours!"

I just finished watching it. It's about Moore's 2004 Slacker Uprising Tour during which he spoke at 62 key cities during the 2004 presidential campaign and tried to rally people to get out and vote. Sounds boring? It's not. There is plenty of comedy and music to liven it up. At many appearances Moore gave out Ramen noodles and clean underwear to any 'slacker' who registered and pledged to vote in the Nov. 2nd, 2004 election, and there are appearances by many familiar faces: Eddie Vedder, Joan Baez, Roseanne Barr, Tom Morello, R.E.M., and others, singing songs, and giving their opinion.

This movie is well worth the watch. It nearly brought tears to my eyes many times, and not because it is sad or depressing, but because of the compassion, love for humankind, and sincere desire for change that Moore and many of the everyday people who are interviewed show.

Take some time and watch this movie. For those of you who have preconceived notions about Michael Moore and what he is about, put those aside for an hour and a half and watch this movie, before judging. Say what you will about Moore (he most certainly is fat), he is fighting the good fight: for peace, for compassion, for justice, and for true democracy.

And, oh yeah, vote.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love how no one can mention Michael Moore without mentioning his fatness.

it's really amazing that he did this, and it's nice to know that people- even famous rich people- are creating for the sake of creating and inspiring and not just for the money. what's even better is that it's something that's WORTH sharing.

not totally related but also "political": Oliver Stone's "W"? have you seen the cast list?! i laughed out loud when i saw the poster.

it's really a great time to be a liberal...